The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

After graduation from Penn State in the Spring of 1969, I received a draft notice to enter the military. Instead of entering as a draftee, I enlisted to become a medic since my Penn State BA degree in General Arts and Sciences was a pre-med program with the required science courses. After serving 3 years 4 months and 3 days in the U.S. Army as a medic, I returned to Penn State Department of Physiology to update my science and retake the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test). My application to medical school was accepted and I chose the Hahnemann Medical College in Philadelphia, PA. Using my GI Bill, for the physiology tuition fees, and using the rest for my first year of medical school, I chose the Army Scholarship program to pay for my 2nd through 4th years. Upon graduation with my MD degree, I had three years to pay back the scholarship. I entered the U.S. Army Medical Corps as a Captain and retired with a career of 30 years as a full Colonel. After retirement, I worked at the Cincinnati Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Due to a health issue, I resigned from that position to undergo more diagnostic workup for a definitive diagnosis and underwent precision radiation therapy for the tumor that was detected while still a VA employee physician. Since that time, I have been actively involved in the push to improve the quality of U.S. Healthcare at reduced costs.